Our Credo
Our aim is to help make the world a healthier place, and we care a lot about how we approach this. Right from the beginning, we have been guided by our belief in doing the right thing, making sure our actions are legal, ethical, moral and just. We will ensure that all our contact and communication is based on trust and absolute integrity, which will be of benefit to all parties. We expect and require all associations and external partners to be driven by a similar ethos.
We are committed to producing innovative, high-quality, efficacious and safe healthcare solutions. We have a duty to protect customers, patients, children, parents, pharmacists, doctors, nurses and anybody else that is involved in recommending or using our products. We will ensure that our products have passed the appropriate standards relating to research, regulations, licensing, legal requirements, manufacturing, scientific testing, packaging and marketing. We will never stop innovating, creating, developing and researching. We aim to provide real and lasting satisfaction.
We will need knowledge, imagination, skill, diversity and teamwork to succeed. We will seek to recruit and partner with the best. Remuneration will be fair. Loyalty and performance will be rewarded. We must recognise our people’s merits and provide them with adequate opportunities to advance their knowledge, roles and positions. The work environment will be safe, clean and attractive. We accept that our people’s religious beliefs, family responsibilities and personal wellbeing are more important than Clinova, and we will at all times help our partners fulfil and prioritise their private duties. We will ensure that competent and fair leaders run our places of work.
We are a UK-based international company and we will strive to respect local traditions, customs and sensitivities as long as our actions fall within the realms of English Law and good UK corporate governance. We must always pay appropriate and fair tax and our principal tax base will always remain Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. We have a duty to respect the communities and environments in which we live and work.
Healthcare is for the patient, not for the profit, but to enable us to continue our journey we must make a reasonable financial reward. New solutions must be discovered, research must be continued, and tomorrow’s products created. Our products will be priced fairly and competitively. We will make mistakes and we will ensure that our financial position can protect us in the bad days. We will aim to develop products that provide innovative, novel, practical and cost-effective solutions. We will offer solutions to people’s needs rather than selling products; this is and always has been our only priority.
We believe that when we look back, the big things will be the small things and the small things will be the big things. Our industriousness will be the basis of our achievements. We will try our best to make sure that the values of our business remain a priority for everyone, every day, at every level of our organisation. We promise to continue to help make the world a healthier place.